Home 9 Payday Loans Online 9 Avoiding Payday Debt Cycles

Times have been tough for many working class Americans who are simply having a hard time catching up on the mounting bills that keep on coming even when the paydays don’t.

To make things even more complicated, emergencies like illness or an unexpected car expense seem to happen just when the money seems hardest to come by.

It may seem like the only solution is to start living payday loan to payday loan, but at We Fix Money Now  we encourage our customers to choose carefully when loans are a possible solution to their financial problems.

It is easy to feel overwhelmed by financial woes – we’ve all been there – but getting stuck in a debt cycle because of irresponsible borrowing will only make those woes grow and those overwhelming feelings will begin to seem insurmountable.

Instead of trying to take out several payday loans to pay various bills at once or taking out a payday loan each payday, try contacting your creditors as soon as you can to let them know about your financial situation so they can work with you to set up a payment plan that is more feasible based on your current income.

Many credit card companies offer special payment plans for people who are experiencing financial hardship (this is especially true for those who have been affected by the storms in the Midwest this week).

Communication is key – don’t just disconnect from your creditors when you’re having trouble paying the bills!

If you have thousands of dollars of debt, a payday loan will not solve the problem. Payday loans from We Fix Money Now  are there to help you when that bill sneaks up just before payday does, or when you have to take your child to urgent care.

Most payday loans are for amounts up to $1500, so a person with thousands in debt may want to seek help at a credit counseling service, where they will work to educate you on how your debts have become unmanageable while working with your creditors to create a payment plan that will eliminate your debt and lower monthly payments.

Budget! Not sure how? Google it! The best part about the internet is the countless resources available to people who are seeking educational information on pretty much every topic under the sun.

Websites like Mint.com and other budgeting sites even offer free budgeting assistance with email updates so you don’t forget a single payment.

Sometimes budgeting does mean drastic lifestyle changes – no more $200 handbag splurges; going out nightly for dinner goes out the window.

Having a realistic perspective on what you can handle financially is key to living within manageable means. 

WeFixMoneyNow.com is here to help get the bills paid on time, but it is ultimately up to each and every one of our customers to avoid a debt cycle by developing a practical budget and spending smart!

Jay Thomas

Jay Thomas


Jay is the leading author for WeFixMoneyNow.com. With over 20 years in the lending indusrty. He holds advance degrees in Business & Accounting. Jay has been featured on television and has written for several publications.

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