As summer winds down it’s time to once again get serious about your finances. With long, hot days, it’s easy to forget your troubles and just enjoy the weather and being outdoors. Everything seems easier and more lighthearted in the summer.
Now, you need to really think about how you spend your money, how you save, and how you take care of bills and emergency expenses. 1 hour loans are ready and waiting to help you get your financial feet back on the ground.
Take Care of Debt and Bills with Green Leaf 1 Hour Loans
Summer makes it easy to forget your financial worries, but when they start to weigh you down again, it’s time to come up with a solution. Green Leaf 1 hour loans are quick, personal loans that you can use for any purpose you need. A great use for 1 hour loans is to pay bills and to pay down expensive debt that is stressing you out.
For example, maybe you have maxed out your credit cards and instead of making a dent in the debt, you have been simply paying the interest rate each month. That is costly debt and it is holding you back.
You may also have late bills that are causing you to be charged expensive late fees. With the quick cash you get from Green Leaf 1 hour loans, you can take care of these problems right away and get them off your mind.
Be Prepared for Emergencies with 1 Hour Loans
Debt and ordinary bills are not the only uses for 1 hour loans. They can also be helpful in stressful emergency situations when getting cash in an hour would make your life infinitely easier.
Let’s say you have a beloved dog and he gets really sick one night. You have no choice but to take him to the emergency animal hospital. Your dog recovers, but you end up with a huge bill that you just want to pay now. What if you get sick and can’t go to work for several days? Your boss doesn’t pay for sick time so you have to take a cut from your weekly paycheck. How will you pay the bills? You can pay them in a hurry with 1 hour loans.
Use 1 Hour Loans To Make Sure To Have Good Summer Stories To Tell This Year
Remember those “How I Spent My Summer Vacation” essays we all had to write in school? Wouldn’t it be fun to be the parent who designed the summer that inspired the kind of stories your kids will tell for the rest of their lives? If you have some family-vacation stories you still remember from your childhood, you know what I’m talking about – truly epic vacations, some epic in a good way and others because they were such disasters, but in retrospect you appreciate that your parents tried.
Be that parent this year! Don’t let your kids write essays about playing ball in the street and sneaking out of bed to play video games after bedtime. Take that trip you’ve told yourself every year was going to happen, and every year – because life’s like this for nearly everyone – the budget falls a little short.
1 hour loans can make up the difference, and be paid off in one short month. Meanwhile, pack some bags because your family is taking that cross-country trip to the family reunion, or going to see the Grand Canyon or Disneyland – or the kids get to spend a week at camp and the grownups get to spend a week kid-free! No matter what, it will be a summer to remember!
It’s Fast and Easy To Get 1 Hour Loans
Unlike traditional borrowing, 1 hour loans don’t require a credit check. The whole process has been broken down and simplified so that instead of taking a week or more, you can have that extra cash you need in as little as one day. One of the greatest changes to the financial industry has been the popularity of the internet.
One or two loan officers in a bank branch can each only manage a certain number of applications per day, and that means there’s often a wait after submitting an application. You’re never sure how long it’s going to take to be approved, or if you even will be approved.
The traditional application is a lot more involved than the style used by internet-based short-term loans, because the longer the timeframe between the funds disbursement and repayment, the more things can possibly go wrong.
It’s perfectly understandable that the banks need to take this factor into account, but if your budget permits you to repay the loan in a month or so, a short term loan will get you cash faster and with less hassle.
1 Hour Loans Are Available To Almost Anyone
There’s a reason that the lenders who work with short-term loans use a different set of criteria to determine approval – the issues affecting repayment are completely different.
With a traditional loan, many factors affect the risk the lender is taking, and the only way to protect themselves from default is to make sure that your history is impeccable.
After all, since the repayments will go on for years, it’s quite likely that the borrower will travel through a variety of personal circumstances during that time. With a short-term 1 hour Loans, the only thing they need to know is that you’re gainfully employed right now, and expect to be receiving a paycheck on schedule for the next couple of months, direct-deposited to the account on file.
The repayment installments are drafted directly from the account they were disbursed to, so as long as you’re getting paid the company will be paid, and that means they don’t need to ask about all the nitpicky details of your life and finances in order to lend to you. The advantages of simplicity!

Jay Thomas
Jay is the leading author for With over 20 years in the lending indusrty. He holds advance degrees in Business & Accounting. Jay has been featured on television and has written for several publications.