Instant cash, like free money, is a fantasy. There is no such thing as truly instant cash, but you can get really close. For those times when you need cash in a hurry, and you can’t find any growing on trees, our lenders are ready and waiting to provide you with the fastest loan available.
On average it takes between one hour and 24 hours to get the cash from one of our network lenders. For most people the wait is much less than a day. You can’t really get instant cash, but how about same day cash?
Get Instant Cash the Same Day
Here’s how this all works: You have an unexpected expense. It comes out of nowhere and all of the sudden you have a bill and no cash to take care of it. You go online and fill out our really quick application.
You provide us with some basic information so we can send it on to a lender who is ready to approve you almost instantly.
Your lender will contact you within minutes, get you approved, and get to work depositing the cash to your account so you can use it. We can do this so quickly because the entire process is conducted online instead of at a bank or a cash advance store. You don’t have to leave the house.
You can apply, get approved, and get cash at any time of day or night, seven days a week, and from your home. The other reason we can get nearly instant cash out to borrowers is because approval requirements are minimal. We don’t have to do a credit check or get any official faxed documents from you.
Instant Cash Loans Set You Free
Money only becomes a problem when you don’t have enough of it, right? Not having the money you need limits you. With access to nearly instant cash loans, you get freedom from money burdens.
When that expense comes up and you have no cash, instant cash loans are there to help you out and give you the freedom to take care of your financial obligations.
You can’t really get the cash instantly, but you can get it really quickly. In fact, our lenders offer a one hour loan, their fastest option. You can apply, get approved, and get your hands on the cash all within one hour. It is hands-down the fastest way to get cash when you really need it.
Four Ways You Could Use a Payday Loan Today
If you have never considered all the benefits of a short-term personal loan, you need to know that there are so many ways to make use of this quick cash source.
Think of all those times you could have used an extra 100 or 200 dollars in cash. Imagine how much simpler your life would be if you could just get quick access to a little extra cash every once in a while. You can and you can get that cash with a payday loan today.
How to Use Your Instant Cash Loan Today
Here are four ways that you could use a instant cash loan today and how this quick infusion of cash could make your life easier and allow you to relax and stop worrying about financial burdens:
1. Use a instant cash loan today to get your landlord off your back. Sometimes it’s tough to make rent, but eviction is not an option. Get some quick cash and tell your landlord you’re good for another month.
2. Pay down your credit card debt. If you have maxed out your credit cards you probably have some expensive debt. Knock it down and save money on the interest by paying some of that debt off today.
3. Help out a friend. Have a good friend struggling with money? Lend her a little cash until she can get herself back on her feet. Maybe she’ll be able to do the same for you one day.
4. Visit your family. Traveling isn’t cheap, and if you never see your family because you can’t afford to visit, use a payday loan today to gas up the car or buy a discount airline ticket.
Get Your Instant Cash Loan Today
These are just a few of the many, many reasons that people use the cash from a payday loan today.
Take care of your financial responsibilities, work on paying down debt, pay the everyday bills, or even just splurge a little bit with this ready source of cash.
Apply online now by filling out a short application and you could be looking at cash in your account later today. It’s easy to apply and to be approved. You just need to show that you earn a paycheck and you could be coming up with more ways to use your payday loan today.

Jay Thomas
Jay is the leading author for With over 20 years in the lending indusrty. He holds advance degrees in Business & Accounting. Jay has been featured on television and has written for several publications.